esg2go is a sustainability rating and reporting tool which helps SMEs to monitor and improve their operations.
esg2go offers these main benefits:
- A clear, fair, industry, and company size adjusted scoring system in all ESG categories.
- An automated reporting system that can transfer to further reporting.
- Through the transparent approach, the activities regarding sustainability will be included, which ensures a high quality for esg2go Rating & Reporting Standards.
- The esg2go Rating & Reporting Standard will be filled out one time and can be accepted by a multitude of customers. This saves a lot of time.
- This is how esg2go becomes a reliable reference, which will enable access in further markets and business propositions.
The esg2go rating & reporting standard is a cooperation between CCRS (scientific method) and Adjumed (technology provider).
The esg2go Advisory Board guided the creation of a semi-automated esg2go sustainability report that is based on the esg2go rating report. In addition, the esg2go Advisory Board members evaluate the quality "handprint" information provided by the user of esg2go to document to what extent the core business of the respective firm also generates positive external effects for society and the environment.
Further information on its dedicated website: