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Working Papers


Diković, J. 2023. „The Graveyards of Development Projects: Why do they fail and how this can be prevented? Case Study of Kosovo“, CCRS Working Paper 1/2023 (80 pages). Available upon request.  

Cakir, I., Cakir, B., Aerni, P. (2022) Methodological Framework of esg2go. CCRS Working Paper (2/2022). School of Management Fribourg (on demand).

Cakir, I., and Cakir, B.(2023) Credit Risk of Financial Vehicle for Energy Retrofits of Buildings. CCRS Working Paper (3/2023). School of Management Fribourg (on demand).



Aerni, P. and W. Zou. 2022. Stakeholder Surveys in Selected African Countries on the Perception of Initiatives to Promote Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation. CCRS Working Paper 1/2022.



Schluep, Isabelle (2020). Nachhaltigkeit wird messbar. Zürich: Schweizer Kader Organisation SKO.

Schluep, Isabelle (2020). Systeme und Instrumente der Firmennachhaltigkeitsbewertung. CCRS Working Paper Series 01/2020, University of Zurich.



Schmidt, Peter S; von Arx, Urs; Schrimpf, Andreas; Wagner, Alexander F; Ziegler, Andreas (2015). On the construction of common size, value and momentum factors in international stock markets: A guide with applications. CCRS Working Paper Series 01/11, University of Zurich.

Marty, Rudolf; Meins, Erika (2015). Rendite- und Risiko-Kennzahlen für Immobilien aus Nachhaltigkeitssicht. Zürich: Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability an der Universität Zürich.

Cottier, Thomas; Aerni, Philipp; Carapinar, Baris; Matteotti, Sofia; de Sépidus, Joëlle; Shingal, Anirudh (2014). The principle of common concern and climate change. NCCR TRADE WORKING PAPER 2014/18, National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCRs) - SNF.



Mollet, Janick Christian; Ilic, Dragan (2013). Voluntary corporate climate initiatives and regulatory loom: Batten down the hatches. CCRS Working Paper Series 02/13, University of Zurich.

Aerni, Philipp (2013). Do Private Standards encourage or hinder trade and innovation? NCCR TRADE WORKING PAPER 2013/18, University of Zurich.

Meins, Erika; Sager, Daniel (2013). Sustainability and risk in real estate investments: combining monte carlo simulation and dcf. CCRS Working Paper Series 01/13, University of Zurich.



Meins, Erika; Feige, Annika; Gaebel, Markus (2012). Nachhaltigkeit und Immobilieninvestitionen : Die finanzielle Relevanz von Nachhaltigkeit für Portfoliostrategien. Zurich: CCRS, ETH Zürich Professur für Nachhaltiges Bauen.

Meins, Erika; Frank, Sarah Ok Kyu; Sager, Daniel; Holthausen, Niels (2012). Economic Sustainability Indicator ESI(R), Überarbeitung 2011/12. Zürich: CCRS.

Mollet, Janick Christian; Ziegler, Andreas (2012). Is Socially Responsible Investing Really Beneficial? New Empirical Evidence for the US and European Stock Markets. CCRS Working Paper Series 01/12, University of Zurich.

Meins, Erika; Lützkendorf, Thomas; Lorenz, David; Leopoldsberger, Gerrit; Burkhard, Hans-Peter; Ok Kyu, Sarah; Stoy, Christian; Bienert, Sven (2012). Nachhaltigkeit und Wertermittlung von Immobilien : Leitfaden für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. Zürich: CCRS, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.

Wiencke, Andreas; Meins, Erika; Burkhard, Hans-Peter (2012). CRESS 2011/2012: Corporate Real Estate and Sustainability Survey. Zurich: CCRS/CBRE.

Mollet, Janick Mollet; Ziegler, Andreas (2012). Is Socially Responsible Investing Really Beneficial? New Empirical Evidence for the US and European Stock Market. CCRS Working Paper 01/12, University of Zurich.

Schneider, Anselm Jakob; Scherer, Andreas (2012). Private business firms, human rights, and global governance issues: An organizational implementation perspective. UZH Business Working Paper Series 320, University of Zurich.

Schmidt, Peter S; Werner, Therese (2012). Verified emissions and stock prices: Is there a Link? - An empirical analysis of the European Emissions Trading Scheme. CCRS Working Paper 02/12, University of Zurich.



Meins, Erika; Lützkendorf, Thomas; Lorenz, David; Leopoldsberger, Gerrit; Frank, Sarah Ok Kyu; Burkhard, Hans-Peter; Stoy, Christian; Bienert, Sven (2011). Nachhaltigkeit und Wertermittlung von Immobilien, Leitfaden für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz (NUWEL). Zürich/Karlsruhe/Geislingen/Stuttgart/: CCRS.

Oberndorfer, Ulrich; Wagner, Marcus; Ziegler, Andreas (2011). Does the stock market value the inclusion in a sustainability stock index? An event study analysis for German firms. CCRS Working Paper Series 02/11, University of Zurich.



Der Minergie-Boom unter der Lupe : Eine Marktanalyse der ZKB. Edited by: Meins, Erika (2010). Zürich: Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability an der Universität Zürich. 



Meins, Erika; Burkhard, Hans-Peter (2009). CRESS 2009: Corporate Real Estate and Sustainability Survey. Zürich: CB Richard Ellis - PI Performance (Zurich) SA.

Meins, Erika; Burkhard, Hans-Peter (2009). Der Nachhaltigkeit von Immobilien einen finanziellen Wert geben : ESI® Immobilienbewertung – Nachhaltigkeit inklusive. Zurich, Switzerland: CCRS, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.



Minergie macht sich bezahlt. Edited by: Meins, Erika (2008). Zürich: CCRS, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability an der Universität Zürich / Zürcher Kantonalbank.


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2017, Rudolf Marty

The impact of mortgage rates on expected real estate returns and rent growth in Switzerland: a dynamic discounted cash ow approach (PDF, 293 KB)


2017, Isabelle Schluep

Von der Austrian Institute of Economics and Social Philosophy - Austrian Institute Paper Nr. 16.

Embeddedness": Einbettung von Firmen als Voraussetzung für Nachhaltigkeit


02/13, Janick Christian Mollet, Dragan Ilic

Voluntary corporate climate initiatives and regulatory loom: Batten down the hatches


01/13, Erika Meins, Daniel Sager

Sustainability and Risk in Real Estate Investments: Combining Monte Carlo Simulation and DCF


02/12, Peter S. Schmidt, Therese Werner

Verified emissions and stock prices: Is there a link? - An empirical analysis of the European Emissions Trading Scheme (PDF, 272 KB)


01/12, Janick Christian Mollet, Andreas Ziegler

Is Socially Responsible Investing Really Benefical? New Empirical Evidence for the US and European Stock Market (PDF, 211 KB)


02/11, Ulrich Oberndorfer, Marcus Wagner, Andreas Ziegler

Does the Stock Market Value the Inclusion in a Sustainability Stock Index? An Event Study Analysis for German Firms (PDF, 219 KB)


01/11, Peter S. Schmidt, Urs von Arx, Andreas Schrimpf,
Alexander F. Wagner, Andreas Ziegler

On the Construction of Common Size, Value and Momentum Factors in International Stock Markets: A Guide with Applications (PDF, 465 KB)


03/10, Anselm Schneider, Andreas Georg Scherer

Globalization and the Political Role of Firm: Implications for Corporate Governance (PDF, 287 KB)


02/10, Marco Salvi, Jürg Syz

What Drives Green Housing Construction? -  Evidence from Switzerland (PDF, 574 KB)


01/10, Erika Meins, Anselm Schneider

The Unrecognized Dimension of Corporate Sustainability Assessment (PDF, 145 KB)


05/09, Erika Meins, Holger Wallbaum, Regina Hardziewski, Annika Feige

Sustainability and Property Valuation - A Risk-Based Approach (PDF, 443 KB)


04/09, Andreas Ziegler

Is it Beneficial to be Included in a Sustainability Stock Index? A Panel Data Study for European Firms (PDF, 351 KB)


03/09, Andreas Ziegler, Julia Schwarzkopf, Volker H. Hoffmann

Stated Versus Revealed Knowledge: Determinants of Offsetting CO2 Emissions from Fuel Consumption in Vehicle Use (PDF, 262 KB)


02/09, Niels Holthausen, Erika Meins und Peter Christen

Risiko- und chancenbasierte Integration von Nachhaltigkeitsmerkmalen in die Immobilienbewertung Modellentwicklung zur Gewichtung des ESI-Indikators (PDF, 440 KB)


01/09, Christoph Böhringer, Ulf Moslener, Ulrich Oberndorfer, Andreas Ziegler

Clean and Productive? Empirical Evidence from the German Manufacturing Industry (PDF, 166 KB)


05/08, Andreas Ziegler

Disentangling Specific Subsets of Innovations: A Micro-Econometric Analysis of their Determinants (PDF, 237 KB)


04/08, Andreas Ziegler, Urs von Arx

The Effect of CSR on Stock Performance: New Evidence for the USA and Europe (PDF, 240 KB)


03/08, Andreas Lange, Andreas Löschel, Carsten Vogt, Andreas Ziegler

On the Self-serving Use of Equity in International Climate NegotiationsWP 2008/03 (PDF, 216 KB)


02/08, Andreas Ziegler, Jazmin Seijas Nogareda

Green Management and Green Technology - Exploring the Causal Relationship (PDF, 189 KB)


02/07, Werner Hediger

Framing corporate social responsibility and contribution to sustainable  evelopment (PDF, 311 KB)