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Klippel, Michael; Zea Escamilla, Edwin; Cakir, Isa; Maniak, Martyna (2020). Challenges and opportunities for timber buildings in the swiss real estate market: The role of carbon credits.Zürich: Swiss Sustainable Finance.



Aerni, Philipp (2019). Book Chapter in Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2020: «Afrika zwischen Aufbruch und Armut» Caritas-Verlag Luzern; pp 171-182.


Stocks and Storage: Effects of improved on-farm storage on local food prices and seasonal food security, and effects of trade policies on global food price volatility

Thesis submitted by Michael Brander Wittwer to attain the degree of Doctor of Sciences of ETH Zurich

Dissertation_Michael-Brander-Witter (PDF, 5 MB)



Peschel, A O; Zielke, S; Scholderer, Joachim (2016). Reference price formation for product innovations: the role of consistent price-value-relationships. In: International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Innsbruck-Igls, 15 February 2016 - 19 February 2016. CentMa GmbH, 101-103.


Dezember 2016, Rudolf Marty, Christian Bächinger
Nachhaltigkeitserfassung von Immobilien aus Risikosicht: Bestimmung der Indikatorgewichte von Büro- und Verkaufsimmobilien und Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse (PDF, 972 KB)


April 2016, Philipp Aerni
The importance of public-private partnerships in the provision of global public goods. (PDF, 821 KB)
Swiss Investements for a better world. The first market survey on investment for development.
Eine Publikation von Swiss Sustainable Finance



Bächinger, Christian; Meins, Erika (2015). Abbau von Hemmnissen für Sanierungen von Liegenschaften institutioneller Investoren (HEMSAN). Bern: Bundesamt für Energie BFE.


April 2015, Rudolf Marty, Erika Meins
Rendite- und Risikokennzahlen für Immobilien aus Nachhaltigkeitssicht (PDF, 917 KB)



Schneider, Anselm Jakob. Shifting Blances of Power and New Forms of Corporate Control - Three Essays on Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Governance in a Globalized Economy.2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.

Mollet, Janick Christian. Private provision of public goods and asset prices. 2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics.


March 2014, Philipp Aerni
The motivation and impact of organized public resistance against agricultural biotechnology.
Bookchapter in Stuart J. Smyth, Peter W.B. Phillips and David Castle (eds.)
Handbook on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2014, pp 256-276.


March 2014, Philipp Aerni
The great understanding of the global food crisis.
Published in Heap, B and Bennett, D (eds.)
Insights - Africas future: can biosciences contribute? 
Benson Publishers, Cambridge
B4FA, Biosciences for Farming in Africa


2014, Schneider A., Scherer A.G.,
Unternehmen, Menschenrechte und Global Governance: Zur Umsetzung von Compliance auf Unternehmensebene.
Buchkapitel in Compliance und Corporate Social Responsibility – Chancen und Risiken sanfter Regulierung, Bungenberg, M., Dutzi, A., Krebs P.  & Zimmermann, N., (Eds.), Wiesbaden: Nomos. 2014, pp 58-80.



Aerni, Philipp (2013). Schein und Sein im öffentlichen Diskurs um die Grüne Gentechnik. In: Dahinden, Manuela; Romeis, Jürg; Selter, Liselotte; Folkers, Gerd. Gentechnikfreie Schweiz – (k)ein Szenario für die Zukunft. Zürich: Druckzentrum ETH Zürich, 71-77.


2013, Philipp Aerni
Agricultural policy in New Zealand – taking advantage of the global knowledge economy.
International symposium arranged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, 29–30 January 2013
Global Outlook: Future competition for land and water, pp. 21-24



2012, Scherer, A.G., & Schneider, A. 
Corporate Citizenship und Corporate Governance: Ein Ansatz zur Behebung des Legitimitätsdefizits der Corporate Political Activities von multinationalen Unternehmen. In Eberl, P., Geiger, D., & Koch, J. Organisation und Komplexität: Unternehmenssteuerung zwischen Ordnung und Chaos, pp. 73-106.
Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.


Mai 2012, Erika Meins, Sven Bienert
Chapter 10 "Real Estate"
in: Sustainable Investing for Institutional Investors
Staub-Bisang Mirjam, Verlag Wiley-VCH, Berlin 2012.


Januar 2012, Andreas Wiencke, Erika Meins, Hans-Peter Burkhard



Schmidt, Peter S; Werner, Therese (2011). The informational contents of announcements on verified emissions in the EU ETS - An empirical investigation using a multi-country event study approach. In: SSES Annual Meeting 2011, Luzern, 9 June 2011, 1-24.


Dezember 2011, Erika Meins, Thomas Lützkendorf, David Lorenz,
Gerrit Leopoldsberger,  Sarah Ok Kyu Frank, Hans-Peter Burkhard, Christian Stoy, Sven Bienert


2011, Erika Meins, Sven Bienert
Buchkapitel "Immobilien"
In:  Nachhaltige Anlagen für institutionelle Investoren
Staub-Bisang Mirjam, Verlag NZZ, Zürich, 2011.



Schneider, Anselm (2010). Incomplete Observations and Constructed Relevance: A Framework for the Assessment and Management of Corporate Sustainability. In: Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2010, Marseille, France, 15 September 2010 - 17 September 2010, 1-15.

Schneider, Anselm (2010). Politicited Corporations and Legitimacy Gaps: Challenges for Corporate Governance. In: EBEN Conference, Trento, Italy, 9 September 2010 - 11 September 2010, 1-45.

Schneider, Anselm (2010). Globalization and the political role of the firm: Implications for corporate governance. In: 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, 8 August 2010 - 10 August 2010, 1-15.

Schneider, Anselm (2010). Closing the Legitimacy Gap in Corporate Governance: Governing the Multinational Corporation by Means of Democratic Decision Making. In: 26th EGOS Colloquim 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 June 2010 - 3 July 2010.


November 2010, Samuel Waldis, Erika Meins, Hans-Peter Burkhard


Oktober 2010, Erika Meins
Der finanzielle Wert der Nachhaltigkeit von Immobilien.
In: Ökonomie vs. Ökologie – Umwelteffizienz in der Immobilienwirtschaft?
Nico B. Rottke (Hrsg.): Immobilien Manager Verlag, Köln, 2010.


März 2010, Marco Salvi, Andrea Horehájová, Julie Neeser


Februar 2010, Andreas Ziegler, Timo Busch, Volker H. Hoffmann



Ziegler, Andreas (2009). Disentangling Specific Subsets of Innovations: A Micro-Econometric Analysis of their Determinants. In: Jahrestagung 2009 des Vereins für Socialpolitik "Klimaschutz - Stand und Perspektiven", Magdeburg, Germany, 8 September 2009 - 11 September 2009, 1-21.

Schneider, Anselm (2009). A model of corporate sustainability. In: 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29 June 2009 - 2 July 2009.

Ziegler, Andreas (2009). Disentangling Specific Subsets of Innovations: An Empirical Analysis for German Firms. In: 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29 June 2009 - 2 July 2009.

Schneider, Anselm; Meins, Erika (2009). The unrecognized future dimension of corporate sustainability assessment. In: 4th CORE Conference 2009: The potential of Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) to suport the integration of core EU strategies., Berlin, Germany, 15 June 2009 - 16 June 2009. 


Oktober 2009, Erika Meins, Hans-Peter Burkhard


Juni 2009, Erika Meins




Ziegler, Andreas; Schwarz, Marion; Wagner, Gerhard; Brandenberger, Michael; Müller, Christoph (2008). Roundtable Nachhaltigkeit. spn: Schweizer Pensions- & Investmentnachrichten, Dec:online.

von Arx, Urs; Ziegler, Andreas (2008). The effect of CSR on stock performance: new evidence for the USA and Europe. In: 16th Annual Conference 2008 of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE 2008), Gothenburg, Sweden, 25 June 2008 - 28 June 2008.

Lange, Andreas; Löschel, Andreas; Vogt, Carsten; Ziegler, Andreas (2008). On the self-serving use of equity in international climate negotiations. In: Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED 2008), Ascona, Switzerland, 2 June 2008 - 5 June 2008.

Burkhard, Hans-Peter (2008). Berufliche Vorsorge und Unternehmen. In: Die Fachmesse 2. Säule, Kongresshaus Zürich, 14 May 2008 - 15 May 2008.

Steinemann, Myriam; Meins, Erika; Guyer, Madeleine (2008). Konsum Report Schweiz: wie nachhaltig leben wir? Zürich: Zürcher Kantonalbank, WWF, CCRS Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability an der Universität Zürich.


November 2008, Marco Salvi, Andrea Horehájová, Ruth Müri



Dezember 2007, Erika Meins, Hans-Peter Burkhard



Ulrich Oberndorfer, Andreas Ziegler
Environmentally Oriented Energy Policy and Stock Returns: An Empirical Analysis


Urs von Arx und Andreas Schäfer
The Influence of Pension Funds on Corporate Governance
November 2006


Andreas Schäfer
Sustainability, Fertility Differentials, and Directed Technological Change
September 2006


Christa Brunschweiler
Financing the Alternative - renewable energy in developing and transition countries
January 2006



Urs von Arx
Principle guided investing: The use of negative screens and its implications for green investors
November 2005


Lucas Bretschger, Karen Pittel
Innovative investments, natural resources and intergenerational fairness: Are pension funds good for sustainable development?
May 2005


Franck Amalric, Peter Buomberger, Alexander Seidler
Transnational Corporations and Human Rights - The Business Implications
March 2005


Anita Sigg, Jutta Portmann, Suzanne Ziegler
Corporate Governance Strukturen von Pensionskassen
März 2005


Franck Amalric
The Good Company: Comments on The Economist Survey
February 2005


Franck Amalric
The Equator Principles: A Step Towards Sustainability?
January 2005



Franck Amalric
Shareholder Activism as Information Sharing
November 2004


Franck Amalric, Jason Hauser
Micro-Economic Foundations of Corporate Responsibility Activities
October 2004


Forest L. Reinhardt
Sustainability and the Firm
CCRS Pavilion Lecture, Mai 2004


Ulrich Thielemann
Akzeptanz oder Legitimität? Die Idee verdienter Reputation
CCRS Pavilion Lecture, März 2004


Peter Buomberger
Nachhaltigkeit und Finanzmärkte: Einige Überlegungen zur Rolle der Pensionskassen
DNWE-Jahrestagung 2004, Bankenverantwortung und nachhaltige Entwicklung, April 2004


Peter Buomberger
Towards a More Sustainable Retirement System - Key Issues for Future Research
March 2004


Joseph Stiglitz
Governance for a Sustainable World
Sustainability Leader Dialogue at the University of Zurich, January 2004


Bettina Furrer
Unternehmen als Normunternehmer
Inputpaper für das Rundgespräch an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Januar 2004


01/04, Franck Amalric
Pension Funds, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainabilit



Jutta Portmann, Alexander Seidler
The Human Rights Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations - Why Transnational Corporations Should Care
CCRS Pavilion Lecture, November 2003



Research Article : Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 1999; Isa Cakir, Ourana Chryssaphinou and Marianne Mansson
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing , Volume 8 , Issue 5 , September 1999 , pp. 429 - 440