Our advisory board is designed to provide strategic guidance in research and outreach activities. As such the advisory board ensures that CCRS remains true to its mission, which is to explore the role of the private sector in sustainable development and conduct interdisciplinary research that contributes to a better understanding of sustainable change in society, public policy and business.
Advisory board members associated with our Zurich-based branch:
- Dr. Dominique Barjolle, Senior Researcher, ETH, Zurich
- Fausta Borsani, Independent sustainability consultant
- Dr. Markus Braun, Senior Lecturer in International Management, ZHAW, Winterthur
- Prof. Thomas Cottier, former Managing Director of the World Trade Institute, University of Bern
- Prof. Ueli Grossniklaus, Head at Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of Zurich
- Prof. Dr Janet Hering, former Director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology (Eawag) / ETH, Zurich
- Dr. Rolf Iten, Senior Advisor, INFRAS, Zurich
- Dr. Thomas Streiff, Partner and Member of the Governing- and Executive Board, Brugger und Partner AG, Zurich